Part 1: Preparing

About Grove

Grove is a modular, ready-to-use tool set. Much like Lego, it takes a building block approach to assembling electronics. The Grove system consists of a base shield and various modules with standardized connectors. The base shield allows for easy connection of any microprocessor input or output from the Grove modules, and every Grove module addresses a single function, such as a simple button or a more complex heart rate sensor. Each one comes with clear documentation and demo code to help you get started quickly.

About Seeed

Studio Seeed is a hardware innovation platform for makers to grow inspirations into di erentiating products. Seeed provides accessible technologies with quality, speed and supply chain knowledge. Seeed helps productize 1 to 1,000 pcs using in-house engineering, supply chain management and agile manufacture forces. Seeed also team up with incubators, China tech ecosystem, investors and distribution channels to portal Maker startups beyond.

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